On local level we demand:

  1. All peaceful organizations, social enterprises and cities/municipalities should join the Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ).
  2. Our trade unions should take an active role in the struggle against the colonization of Palestine by sensitizing and mobilizing for peaceful protest. Syndicalists should be an engine for peace.
  3. Trade unions should call for severing ties with complicit (Israeli) institutions and also play their role in the international trade union forum to that end.
  4. Trade unions must take the lead in defending the right to protest when that right is under police or legal attack, not only when those attacks manifest themselves against syndicalists, but also when other civic activists, students … are threatened. The right to protest is universal.

On national level we demand:

  1. On 19 July, the International Court of Justice condemned the State of Israel as an Apartheid State. Following this ruling, our government should proceed with economic sanctions.
  2. Belgium must recognise the Palestinian state. 
  3. Belgium must impose an arms embargo.

On international level we demand:

  1. After more than 75 years of colonization and oppression of the Palestinian people (Nakba), the occupation of Palestine must end.
  2. An immediate and permanent ceasefire must be negotiated.
  3. Humanitarian aid must be organized and allowed.
  4. Israel must immediately stop the illegal detention and torture of thousands of workers and children in its prisons and fulfill its obligations under International Law.
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